Ligne d'aide financière d'urgence (LAFU)

Frequently asked questions


LAFU recognizes 4 main categories of eligible expenses: 

  • Expenses related to transportation necessary to leave a dangerous environment quickly, go to a safe place, or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.
  • Expenses related to food, including restaurants and groceries.
  • Shelter expenses. Note that temporary hotel accommodations are possible only under certain conditions.
  • Other expenses related to the emergency situation, such as purchase of clothing, personal care items and medication.

Interpreter fees can be assumed thanks to agreements with interpreter banks who offer services in emergency situations.

Emergency financial assistance depends on a close cooperation between a fieldworker and a LAFU caseworker who handles the request.

To initiate the request for assistance, the fieldworker must contact LAFU directly. This fieldworker stays involved until the end of the process to maintain the connection with the victim and LAFU, among other purposes.

The LAFU caseworker confirms the eligibility of the fieldworker’s request. If the request meets the criteria, LAFU confirms and authorizes the necessary expenses, and makes the connection with the suppliers.

After LAFU approves the expenses, the resources are made available to assist the victim. 

Finally IVAC and LAFU manage payment of the suppliers. The fieldworker has no follow-up of the invoices to be paid or the forms to be filled in.

The fieldworker is the connection between the victim and LAFU. He or she is in charge of making the initial request to LAFU.

The fieldworker also ensures continuity with victims until they are no longer considered to be in an emergency situation that puts them at risk.

The fieldworker must cooperate with the LAFU caseworker to establish a safety net for the victim and identify the means to achieve this with the emergency financial assistance.

LAFU makes it easier to establish a safety net for victims. In particular, it offers the possibility of going to a safe place quickly or to obtain emergency medical services related to the violence suffered:

  • By working closely with the fieldworkers (police officers, workers in shelter resources, community organizations and the health and social services network)
  • By paying for some emergency expenses.
  • By taking charge of logistics functions, in particular, with service providers. 

The emergency expenses are covered by agreements made with service providers or by prepaid cards sent electronically.

This means that neither the victim nor the fieldworker has to defray the costs and no money is given directly to the victim.

The emergency financial assistance is temporary. It may last a few days or longer depending on the victim’s needs. Each request is evaluated according to the context.

Only a fieldworker in direct contact with a victim of domestic violence or sexual violence can make a request for Emergency Financial Assistance.

How do I make a request?

By directly calling the assistance line accessible 24/7, in French and English, at 1-833-363-LAFU (5238)

Before contacting LAFU, make sure the victims meets the following eligibility criteria:

    The person is a victim or at risk of domestic or sexual violence (assault, exploitation, harassment, etc.). 

    The situation inspires a feeling of urgency, justifying that the victim must go to a safe place quickly or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.


Yes, LAFU covers emergency expense so that the victim and the dependents can physically leave a dangerous environment quickly, go to a safe place, or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.

Yes, a victim without status may benefit from financial assistance if the victim meets the following eligibility criteria:

  • Victim of domestic violence or sexual violence;
  • Emergency situation justifying that the person physically has to leave a dangerous environment quickly and go to a safe place, or to obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.

Yes, a minor victim can benefit from emergency financial assistance. The assistance could also cover certain expenses for the minor victim’s parents or tutors. 

Important note:

The fieldworker who is in contact with the victim and who makes the request for assistance has the legal obligation to report any situation endangering the security or development of a minor to the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ). 

Yes, a person visiting Québec and who meets the eligibility criteria may benefit from financial assistance:

  • Victim of domestic violence or sexual violence;
  • Emergency situation justifying that the person physically leave a dangerous environment quickly, go to a safe place, or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.

No, at the present time, emergency financial assistance can only cover expenses for a victim to go to a safe place quickly or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.

Yes, a victim of psychological violence in a context of domestic violence or at risk of sexual violence may benefit from financial assistance. This person must meet the other eligibility criteria:

  • The victim’s situation inspires a feeling of urgency, justifying the need to go to a safe place quickly or to obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered.

No, LAFU would not be indicated in situations that would increase the level of danger for the victim.

To benefit from this emergency financial assistance, the victim does not need to file a complaint with the police, or identify herself, or even apply to IVAC. However, the victim must be accompanied by a fieldworker who will make the request on her behalf.

Yes, a victim may benefit from emergency financial assistance more than once.


Yes, LAFU is a tool available to fieldworkers to make it easier to ensure the safety of victims of domestic violence or sexual violence. It's sustainability is insured because it has been intergrated into the Act to assist persons who are victimes of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery (Section 92). 

LAFU was set up following a recommendation in the “Rebuilding trust” report of the Expert committee on support for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence (Recommendation #12). This recommendation was integrated into the Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery (section 92), which ensures its permanence.

LAFU is not a solution to the problems of capacity of resources. For example, LAFU does not participate in relieving the waiting lists or increasing the number of places available in shelters.

The design and deployment  of the program are being done in collaboration with SOS violence conjugale and Sexual Violence Helpline, a service of the Montréal Sexual Assault Centre. The Direction générale de l’IVAC ensures payment of the service providers. 

Many other partners are also consulted to ensure the program is properly deployed.