Ligne d'aide financière d'urgence (LAFU)

Financial For fieldworkers serving victims.
Assistance Line For fieldworkers serving victims.



Who are we ?

LAFU is a line made available to fieldworkers, serving victims of domestic violence or sexual violence in an emergency.

Our mission

Enable victims of domestic violence or sexual violence to meet some emergency needs by covering certain expenses.


we operate

LAFU makes it easier to establish a safety net for victims. In particular, it offers the possibility of going to a safe place quickly or obtaining emergency medical services related to the violence suffered.


  1. By working closely with the fieldworkers (police officers, workers in shelter resources, community organizations and the health and social services network).
  2. By paying for some emergency expenses.
  3. By taking charge of logistics functions, in particular, with service providers.
Learn more about LAFU’s operations

Costs covered

LAFU covers the costs of essential short-term needs: transportation, food, shelter and other basic costs.

Learn more about costs

Using the service

Asking for assistance

You’re a fieldworker and want to use LAFU? Let us guide you step by step.

Assess eligibility

To benefit from the service, make sure the victim meets the following criteria.

Learn more about eligibility

Emergency Financial assistance is available throughout Québec except in Northern Québec. We are currently working to create an emergency financial aid better adapted to the realities of Indigenous communities in Northern Québec. 

The person is a victim or at risk of domestic violence or sexual violence (assault, exploitation, harassment, etc.). 

The situation inspires a feeling of urgency, justifying that the person must go to a safe place quickly or obtain emergency medical care related to the violence suffered. 


24/7 1-833-363-5238 24/7 1-833-363-5238

Once the victim’s eligibility is assessed, it’s time to call the Emergency Financial Assistance Line. It’s preferable to be with the victim when you contact LAFU. Otherwise, make sure you can reach the victim easily.

Continue the intervention

After launching the process, you will work closely with LAFU to establish a safety net for the victim and identify the means to achieve this.

As a fieldworker, you will continue to work with the victim until the services are provided.

Assistance to victims

If you or a loved one are victims of domestic violence or sexual violence, one of our partners can assist you.